Source podcast: Podcast Echte, “Wear Your Values Episode 4: The clothes you wear, the skin that you are in”,
Blogger and Influencer, a husband and wife team in Denmark, Cecil and Wallace prefer the term lifestyle blogger to fashion influencer. A blog that has existed over 10 years. The team found themselves not so mainstream with a 6ft female form, looking for comfortable clothing was difficult. In addition, the couple had become concerned about fast fashion and its use of dyes and chemicals and the responsibility of the industry to be sustainable. The couple decided to create a podcast inviting others to see the effects of degradation fast fashion has on society and not only have awareness but to create an identity that supports sustainability. Wearing sustainably produced clothing allows you to identify with a cause and show through fashion a belief that you can share through fashion. Joining the movement of buying from sustainable brands by buying second hand, allows others to have a glimpse at your societal beliefs regarding fashion.
Wear Your Values was created by the sustainable fashion brand Echte and offers a free instructional handbook to better understand terms such as “sustainable” or “eco-friendly”: words that suffer from greenwashing. The podcast encourages its listeners to dive deeper into the meanings of words like eco-friendly and sustainable and build a personal identification in relation to its impact on fashion.
Podcasts such as the Danish podcast “Echte”(meaning “real” in English), bring awareness to how fashion can impact identity positively. We can allow fashion to make a statement that firmly stands for bringing awareness to our planet and how we as individuals and brands can influence and impact the environment. It allows us to feel proud of what we wear not only because we identify with the message our clothing is spreading but that it gives us a voice to express who we truly are.
Word Count: 298