Journal source:
Dantas, Bruna L. L., and Nelsio R. Abreu. “An Analysis of the Influence of the Conspicuous Consumption of Fast Fashion on Identity Construction on Instagram.” RAM. Revista De Administração Mackenzie, Editora Mackenzie, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 21 Sept. 2020, https://www.scielo.br/j/ram/a/yRg3LsB6tgPvcJRTC7v8jqk/?lang=en.
This journal begins by focusing on how consumption behavior has changed in our modern era of globalization with social media. We consume in profound amounts and these authors tie it to the sociocultural process of identity construction, which is an easy conversation to flaunt and have over social media.
Social media is the platform for group identity and narrative construction, “the relationships among the people using online social networks; these people not only transmit information but contribute to the construction and interpretation of common ideals” (Dantas et. al). The authors understand the importance of social interaction in regards to identity formation, social media allows the step to be done remotely and efficiently, “Interpersonal interactions carry meanings capable of molding and constituting identities, thus, enabling the construction of a personal image, as well as other forms of identity” (Dantas et. al).
In this journal’s case, they wanted to better understand consumption behavior by looking at how social media impacts identity, “Users often post photos of their clothing, demonstrating concern with the image they are trying to convey” and impacting consumption behavior of themselves and others (Dantas et. al). Fashion is able to convey our identity; therefore, our consumption behaviors with fashion are mandated by our identity expression and the conversations and shared values we create with our online communities.
It is important that these authors are focusing on the consumption of fast fashion, as the industry has constructed itself in a way that is extremely quick and cheap for the consumer and producer. Fast fashion built a narrative that we as consumers shouldn’t stop, putting us in this action of overconsumption that is actively damaging our planet and lower-income workers in extreme working conditions. The authors tie the idea of overconsumption and the possession of plentiful fashion items presented over social media as a way of legitimizing their social standing, directly impacting our identity and consumption behaviors of quick and cheap clothing to make us look better in a socioeconomic way.
This journal tackles the central problem of fashion and identity through social media. The authors are able to demonstrate how we formulate and legitimize our identities through social interaction online. One byproduct of this is the copious amount of fashion we consume, particularly fast fashion that is cheap and quick. Through social media, we are able to confirm our individual or group identities by our fashion.
Word Count: 396