Source article:
Stefanie. “My Fashion Blogger Identity Crisis • TheStyleSafari.” TheStyleSafari, 6 May 2018, https://thestylesafari.com/my-fashion-blogger-identity-crisis/.
A veteran fashion blogger writes a blog on the identity crisis of being identified as a fashion blogger and what that exactly means. The Style Safari brand wants to develop its ethos to represent evolution of self through fashion. The blogger realizes she is having an identity crisis by scrolling through her own content and realizing that she was evolving but still representing herself through fashion as the person she first curated for the blog. She had evolved but had not reflected her authentic self through fashion. After renewed clarity, she dedicates to her readers and followers that her content will reflect her true current stage in life.
Reading her evolution of self through fashion reiterated the importance of allowing fashion not only to be sustainable but to truly reflect stages of our inner selves more accurately. We must pause and reflect. What message is our clothing sending to others? Are we contributing positively to improving self image through authenticity rather than conformity? Blogs attract many readers in this day and age, and to influence your audience by sharing your own challenges with identity and fashion, allows for community. A community of like minded people, expressing how fashion makes them feel as well as how it helps them identify with their authentic selves.
Word Count: 213